Fenwei Alerts

Fenwei Alerts are real-time market updates selected by Fenwei analysts from numerous market data collected from participants, to reflect latest changes in the spot market and examine causes behind and possible response to such changes. More than 10 posts will be published each day.

Contents VIP thermal coal:

China thermal coal daily trackPolicies and impactsMain production areasTransfer portsDownstream sectorsImport marketCCI Index & CCI Assessment

VIP coke/coking coal

China thermal coal daily trackPolicies and impactsMain production areasTransfer portsDownstream sectorsCCI Index & CCI Assessment

VIP Futures-Spot

Thermal coal futures-spot spreadCoking coal futures-spot spreadCoke futures-spot spread

Summary table: US$ 500 /Year Purchase Now Add to Cart

Daily Market Survey

Daily Market Survey tracks price changes, sales, inventory among other aspects of thermal coal, coking coal and coke from 20 of 100 sample coal mines/coking plants on a daily basis. It quantifies and analyzes the coal and coke markets at major production areas.

Update: daily

Sample – Thermal coal

THERMAL COAL (Fenwei) – On November 22, Fenwei surveyed 20 coal mines in main production areas. Among them, one mine raised price by 10 yuan/t, seven mines kept prices stable, one mine under production halt, and 11 mines cut prices by 10-20 yuan/t.

Overall coal supply was relatively tight in production areas surveyed by Fenwei. Coal output remained flat due to near-finished production targets close to the year end, and ongoing safety and environmental inspections. While inventory level stayed comparatively low, sales further worsened.

Sales persons surveyed were generally bearish toward the future market. They said tepid purchase appetite from utilities, environmental inspections and inventory buildup at some mines would add downside pressure on prices of the power generation fuel.

Summary table: US$ 700 /Year Purchase Now Add to Cart