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sxcoal cordially invites you to participate in the 4th Coking Coal Blending Technology and Market Forum to be held in Changsha city, central China's Hunan province over June 2-3, 2021.

2021 is the first year of China's 14th Five-Year Plan and the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. It is also a year of special importance in China's modernization drive. As emphasized in the Central Economic Work Conference 2021 to maintain continuity, stability and sustainability of the macroeconomic policy, China will continue to implement a proactive fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy this year so as to provide necessary support for economic recovery. A series of key tasks put forward at the economic conference aimed to promote stable and sound development of the Chinese economy will help fuel continued growth in the county's coal demand.

China has strengthened energy conservation, emission reduction and environmental governance, and the substitution of new and renewable energy for coal has further enhanced, which in turn will curb the growth of coal consumption. In the context, China's coal demand is expected to increase slightly in 2021.

Meanwhile, China will continue to release high-quality coal mining capacity in main northern coal production areas, while phasing out backward coal capacity in the south. China's coal production is expected to maintain growth momentum in 2021, with the increment further concentrated in Shanxi, Shaanxi, Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang. In terms of import, China's coal import sources will become more diverse, and the import volume is estimated to be roughly stable with the previous year.

With the government's pledge for carbon peak by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060, the Chinese coal industry, while continuously optimizing its supply structure and quality, needs to adhere to the high-quality development path, and achieve effective management in aspects of intelligent coal blending, resource management, production control, price forecasting and inventory management through technological innovation and resource optimization, thus assisting companies' decision-making in procurement, production and sales. Relying on full-factor and full-process management and control, coal demand for economic and social development can be precisely met with increasingly lower social cost.

How can coal upstream and downstream companies take the initiative and actively respond in the new era? How will they deploy business under the new "Dual Circulation" development pattern? How can they cut cost and lift efficiency to enhance internal strength and competitiveness in the face of complex development environment? A host of issues concerning development of the coal upstream and downstream industries require expert judgment through in-depth discussion.

We will invite experts from coal and coke industries and participants from upstream and downstream companies in the coal, coke and steel sectors, discussing and sharing insights on supply and demand fundamentals in domestic and international coke and steel markets, coking coal/coke price trends, development strategies of coal and coke producers, digitalization and intelligent development of coal and coking industries.

We look forward to meeting you at the Forum.


  • 2021 China coal and coke market trend and supply-demand analysis
  • Analysis of coal demand in Chinese steel mills
  • Current situation, problems and prospect of Mongolian coal imports
  • Coke capacity replacement and market analysis
  • Big data-based coal/coke price forecast and its application
  • Adoption of intelligent coal blending technology to cut cost and lift efficiency
  • Coal quality characteristics of major Chinese coal production areas and application optimization
  • Coking coal quality characteristics and application
  • Intelligent management of coal washing plants
  • Application of big data in coking plant management

Previous Participant List

  • 成都奇艺商贸有限公司出光能源咨询(北京)有限公司
  • 大连商品交易所德意志银行
  • 地源环球东方证劵股份有限公司
  • 敦和资产管理有限公司俄罗斯Mechel
  • 鄂尔多斯市西达选煤有限责任公司鄂托克旗建元煤焦化有限责任公司
  • 方正证券股份有限公司防城港市国通进出口贸易有限公司
  • 丰矿物流丰镇市郡馨丰煤炭运销有限公司
  • 峰峰众鑫焦化有限公司甘肃酒泉钢铁集团公司
  • 钢慧信息咨询(上海)有限公司高平市三甲炼焦有限责任公司
  • 古县利达焦化有限公司冠通期货有限公司
  • 光大期货有限公司杭州营业部广东方正实业发展有限公司
  • 广东省电力工业燃料公司太原分公司广东省纺织品进出口股份有限公司
  • 广发证券股份有限公司广西旺砖投资有限公司
  • 广东澍泽投资管理有限公司国家安全监管总局国际交流合作中心
  • 国家开发银行国家能源局
  • 国家信息中心中泰君安证券有限责任公司
  • 国投中谷期货有限公司中研中心宏观经济研究部副部长、研究员
  • 邯郸市裕泰化工集团有限公司韩国SK实业株式会社 中国资源事业部
  • 韩国三星物产株会社北京办事处杭州热联进出口股份有限公司
  • 杭州热联矿产资源股份有限公司和讯期货
  • 河北春澳实业有限公司河北钢铁集团采购公司
  • 河北裕泰实业集团河钢集团有限公司
  • 河南理工大学河南利源煤焦有限公司
  • 荷兰托克贸易有限公司恒源伟业集团有限公司
  • 湖北福星鸿泰贸易有限公司华泰长城期货有限公司
  • 华泰联合证券有限责任公司微商期货有限责任公司
Contact Company :

Fenwei Digital Information Technology Co., Ltd.

Zhangjiakou office :

Room 13-13B, 13F Financial Holding Building, Zuanshi South Road, Economic Development Zone, Zhangjiakou, Hebei

Taiyuan Office :
Building No.4, Forest Park, East Binhe Road, Taiyuan, Shanxi 030003, China

Phone:+86 351 7219322
